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I'm still here

Two months.

That's almost an eternity in the online world (and quite frankly, the real world as well if you've been as busy as I have). To tell you the truth, I've been a little nervous to write this post as sometimes I feel like there's just not enough time to actually write down everything that's happened. Just in the small amount of time that I've tried this blogging thing, I've grown an immense gratitude toward everyone that has the propensity to sit down and actually crank out post after post every two to three days... AND have something original to write about (or at least something nice to say). I really do want to have this blog work and maybe when my real work slows down a bit I can get a little bit deeper into writing a bit more. I just really wanted to stop by and say that I haven't abandoned this blog (not that anyone actually reads it right now anyways) and hopefully in the near future I'll have a more meaningful post for you... Like the process of building up my home lab - which I'm really psyched about!

Talk to you soon


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