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Hello World

Cliche, I know...

But then again, doesn't everything in the tech world begin with "Hello World"?

I'd like to give the world a little introduction to me. I began my journey into the world of tech when I was very young with my dad's first ColecoVision ADAM computer system back in the early 80's. Ever since then I've been enamored with computers. I built my first one in the days of the original Pentium. My friends introduced me to DOOM when it first came out and since my dad had the fastest computer, we would spend hours tweaking his autoexec.bat and config.sys files trying to get the most juice out of that system as possible, just to play some video games. Finally my dad had enough of me messing with his system that he took me to a local computer show and with $200 we bought a Cyrix 5x86 P266 processor, a motherboard and a couple sticks of RAM - and we're talking about original SIMM's... of the 2 megabyte parity/non-parity type... oh yeah, old school baby! When it was all said and done, I had a 200MB hard drive, a pretty decent proc, 8MB of RAM and a CD-ROM. Best part was, it ended up being better than my dad's and it hasn't stopped since then... and I still have a better system than him.

I got into IT a few years back when I was working as a tech at CompUSA. I realized while I was there that being in the repair business wasn't going to get me where I wanted to be professionally. So I went back to school, got my associates in networking (Cisco style) and landed a pretty nice starter position here at my company as a tech, but I was also brought on to help with the Cisco networking.

Since I've started, things have happened pretty rapidly here (more so than I could have ever dreamed) that lead to them offering me the Network Engineer position that I'm in now. I've learned so much in my time here that I just can't keep all the information to myself any longer. When you're working in a fast paced and wholly understaffed IT department, you have to find off the wall solutions to many, many problems. I've also come up with a few myself. I've gotten the help from so many anonymous people on the internet, that I feel it was time that I started giving back. Joining one forum just wasn't enough, and I don't have time to be a part of ten, so I figured if i just started this blog and handed out my solutions to issues I've come across then maybe, just maybe, I could give back to the internet community that had given so much to me in the past.

So here I am... at The Network Core. I hope you find what you're looking for.


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