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Quick Java commands to compile a jar file

This is almost for just me, but maybe someone else could use the info as well.

To compile the source code into class files (I didn't have the JDK directory in my path, hence the long command):

c:\<directory to jdk>\bin\javac.exe c:\<src directory>\

Once you work out the bugs to the class file (errors and warnings) you create the jar file with the following command:

c:\<directory to jdk>\bin\jar.exe cvfm <name>.jar manifest.txt com/

The "cvfm" portions are flags for the jar compressor. <name>.jar is the output file name you want. Manifest.txt contains the directory listing of class files. com/ is the base directory of your class files.

Lessons Learned

User logs into their View virtual desktop using the EVGA PD02 Zero Client (awesome machine btw), spends a few hours doing something then disconnects from the virtual machine and goes to lunch. When that user gets back and tries to re-log into their disconnected session, the virtual desktop kicks them out and the screen goes right to the login prompt on the zero client again... W...T...H...

It literally took me a week (and unfortunately a call to VMware support) to figure it out. No other person that's been using View had this problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled the View agent. Deleted and recreated the pool (twice). Tried every PCoIP and View agent group policy setting I could find that might remotely have anything to do with disconnected sessions...


called to VMware support went like this:

VMware Rep: I see your problem is *(removed for brevity)*. Let's do a Webex.
Me: Awesome - here you go
Rep: Ok, let's first check the power settings...
Me: *(sound of hand slapping forehead in a moment of clarity)*

turn the damn monitor sleep settings in windows 7 OFF or else you won't reconnect to the session using PCoIP. It seriously took me a week to get that problem fixed.

So sometimes calling support is the right thing to do... and they're not all idiots

Lesson learned.

SANs amore

Incoming EMC VNX5300 SAN

I'm pretty stoked about this. I'll post more once everything is finalized and talk about the design concepts I've been dreaming up plus how everything will be connected from the ground/network on up.

Stay tuned!